"Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
When searching for a church family, an important question to ask is, “Can the church equip our children to face the challenges of today and tomorrow?” SOLID CC can definitively say, “YES.” One of our greatest ministries at SOLID is the Wednesday after school program: “The Way.” Within this ministry, the church emphasizes that only through a saving relationship with Jesus Christ can one be saved (Jn. 3:16; 14:6).
Offered throughout the school year, our program averaged over 50 children a year, grades K through 6. Every week, an insightful educational lesson is taught directly from the Bible. With encouraging team games, snack time, and fellowship, “The Way” is a great program to educate your child in the Word of God.
Don’t worry about driving them to church after school. A member from the church walks the children down the street from Holton Elementary right to the church.
Offered throughout the school year, our program averaged over 50 children a year, grades K through 6. Every week, an insightful educational lesson is taught directly from the Bible. With encouraging team games, snack time, and fellowship, “The Way” is a great program to educate your child in the Word of God.
Don’t worry about driving them to church after school. A member from the church walks the children down the street from Holton Elementary right to the church.